Getting a grip on scale

Hi all,

Sorry if this has been asked already. I didn't find much in my search. I have two questions I'm trying to get my head around.

Firstly is settlement scale. If I am correct each parcel of land is roughly 4000 square metres. 64m by 64m. If a hamlet has 3 parcels minimum that's over 12 square kilometers. It seems quite large for a small town. Don't get me wrong that sounds awesome and I get that there may be farms or mines or other uses for that land but would there be a natural town centre? Seeing as I understand each parcel needs a building on it as well to be part of the land of the hamlet/town would that mean the town is spread out? Along with this is the viability of starting new settlements which is my mates and I are keen to try out on the OCE server. Has anyone worked out a rough idea of the distance between towns by looking at the domain maps? I don't see any point building a new settlement if all the current settlements are a leisurely stroll away. In which case I may need to purchase a place during SoE!

On another note does anyone know how the mixing of different tribes in a settlement will effect the architecture of the place. I think it may look weird if you have a mostly Neran town with Neran architecture and then a few Waerd buildings thrown in. Do we know how this might play out?

Cheers again everyone super keen to see how this game plays out!

3/14/2020 2:52:07 PM #1

A square kilometer isn't 1000 square meters, it's a million square meters.

A Square Kilometer in game is 16 parcels by 16 parcels. (256 parcels)

I'm concerned the towns are quite close together. In many cases its less than a kilometer to the next settlement.

Chronicles of Elyria Kickstarter backer #2!

3/14/2020 2:57:00 PM #2

You know there are 1 million squaremeters in a squarekilometer... so 3 parcels are 0.012288 squarekilometers

Valaeron Belsharaen

3/14/2020 3:08:13 PM #3

Ahhh yes. My maths taking a hit. Either way the towns parcel size still seem large to me but then that is just my perspective at the moment. Interesting to see how it plays out. Anyone with ideas about the architecture problem?

3/15/2020 1:33:22 AM #4

How is the town parcel size large? The size of a parcel is the size of a parcel regardless of whether it is in a town or not. If you mean the number of the parcels that make up a town (minimum of 25 parcels), that isn't large. To give you an idea of how small the minimum of each settlement size is in relation to IRL, look at this: Link

3/15/2020 7:05:02 AM #5

Posted By KalTheo at 08:52 AM - Sat Mar 14 2020

I'm concerned the towns are quite close together. In many cases its less than a kilometer to the next settlement.

Climb a tree and see the nearest 3+ settlements!