
I've been looking at the game for quite some time and have been waiting on it. Although I've come to a realization that I know what I want in a game.

I'm not one for going out and cutting down people or bandits. I'm more so about being sure the people who do have the proper equipment to do so. I've been a crafter in many games and my largest smiles are when the man or woman that cut down the largest beast is wielding my creation.

Does this game cater to a crafters dream, or will I have to be able to fight large things to unlock this content? Or will I have to know how to fight large beasts for their skins? Or will my reputation as a crafter ring if I am skilled enough and people come to me with material and coin?

It's very possible that I may have missed this information, and I apologize if it's a bit more easily accessible than I think. If this information exists, I will take whatever link is given to me and read up on it, or if someone is able to explain it to me, I give you my appreciation in advance. Thank you.

1/23/2020 7:43:10 AM #16

Well, I understand the mistrust that's been going around recently from what I've been reading. I haven't been around long enough to fully understand, but I believe that the previous people may be correct. The only thing we can assume is what was given to us most recently which is the link that was provided earlier which I greatly appreciate, it's so awesome!

I'm probably going to be buying a pledge and watching from the side lines, join a community/Kingdom and hope that the Alpha's come sooner than later.

But that is not the topic of this thread, lets drive back towards the aforementioned topic in the title.

From what I'm gathering the crafting of what we know will be indepth and reliant on cues of audio and visual which is pretty awesome in my opinion. Also your skill hand in hand with your characters skill comes into consideration to make it feel more like you, which is awesome! The quality we, kind of have to assume is based off how well you do.

From a previous post of legendaries, we can say that depending on the hands that your weapon lands in, it could be a warrior that strikes down a demon or dragon and it becomes legendary. Not only does the renown of the adventures feat ring through, but so does the craftsmanship of those who participated in making the superb weapon.

Is all this correct?

1/23/2020 2:25:20 PM #17

Of note, there are four (that i'm aware of) exclusive categories all items can fall into:

  1. mundane: all items are this when they are created.
  2. artifact: an item that was used to accomplish a special achievement and gains a special attribute from doing so.
  3. relic: an item made from forgotten technology.
  4. cursed: an item with some perceived to be bad attribute.

    • fame status (such as legendary): all items also fall into the known <-> unknown fame spectrum based on how widespread the knowledge of its existence is. if an item has a power or a bard has spread the info token about an item, or for whatever reason, then it could more easily obtain legendary status.

1/23/2020 7:59:59 PM #18

Thank you. I know these bits of information could change, but now that I'm caught up it will help me keep up with everyone else's knowledge. I believe my questions have been resolved.

1/23/2020 8:14:03 PM #19

I have full confidence the crafters dream can be accomplished without slicing up enemies. I personally aim for such a skill level, but in addition i know that my skill in my craft will not be my only skill required for success. I'll need to form good business practices, have distributors, live in a protected environment that I trust, have backup plans, possibly insurance, and very good people skills

FC: 13AB08

1/24/2020 2:28:21 PM #20

There will be lots of opportunities for crafters and economically minded players. Many regions will want crafters to boost their economy for example. Others may need crafters for fueling their war machine.

Count LizenÇace VeLeîjres of Mydra's Crossing, VII of the order of the IX.

Order of IX