Offline DSS-Selene-map and compact infos


planning without good maps and infos all over the place is kinda a pain in the ass. Same goes for the need to go on the dss-site and constantly zoom in or out...

So here is a detailed dss-offline map only a few Mb big. It contains all the duchies from all kingdoms with names and borders, all cities and capitals on the server atm, to the left the dss-map-legend (duh..), the climate-zones for the orchards-kits someone once posted, a scale and the miles u can do in one real hour traveling on foot or with a cutter. The infos for mounts are missing on purpose since SbS has not released those infos yet.

Selene Server Map:

To make estimating the traveling time easier u can use the following images as layers over the map above. Each ring represents 1 real hour traveling in the game. The compass symbol on the top-left is in every picture. The thought was to be able to check the scale of the overlayed pictures/layers to prevent errors.

Traveling on foot:

Traveling via cutter:

I hope this is useful.


10/29/2019 12:40:26 AM #1

Question, when did we get a definitive travelling speed for the cutter?? I must have missed one of the devs mentioning that.

....and the bandwidth limit has already been exceeded for the link to the map. =P

10/29/2019 6:03:41 AM #2

Sup. I don t have a quote but the coe wiki says 4-5 knots. Thats on average 8.334 km/h.(

1 Elyrian km = 1024 meters or 16 parcels (64x 16)

Casp said running speed was/is at 1.6 meters/second. I used 5 km/h since it should represent the real traveling speed better.

The map-file is only 13.7 mb big, the 2 overlays less than 1,5 mb together o.O Could upload jpg instead of png, that should save a few more mbs ?

10/29/2019 6:10:20 AM #3

5 km/h is not real traveling speed if we talk about traveling through outdoor lands without road.

And going by road in most cases will mean more distance to cover than picking "straight line" route.

Human normal walk speed is 4 km / h, but that - using roads, and no elevations.

10/29/2019 6:50:28 AM #4

I am well aware of that, wrote the same on the discord post too and thats also why I used 5 km instead of 5.625 km (1,6 x 60 x 60 /1024). This is about using the data we have to do some rough estimates ;)

11/14/2019 12:11:21 PM #5

For future referance.

The average walking speed of a RL human is 3-4 miles per hr or 15 minutes per mile. Not kph

5kph to 6 kph is a better estimate if you used those units.

plus unfortunatly the link isn't working for me