Promotion Kickstarterversay 2019

Ingredients and Recipes from Far Off Shores Once each week, every player that purchases an item (excluding titles and pledge packages) from the store during the promotion will receive two randomly-picked, rare resources from a collection of unusual resources gathered from distant shores or hard-to-reach ecotopes. Each ingredient has its own special properties that are passed on to any item they're used to craft and each ingredient is a required element in at least one of 8 exclusive recipes that can be acquired at the end of the promotion: One of these recipes will be awarded to every player that makes at least one qualifying purchase in every week of the promotion. Every ingredient and recipe can be traded to other players, so don't forget to reach out to your fellow community members to get that special recipe or ingredient you need!

With Regards to that, What constitutes a qualifying purchase?

Specifically, if i buy a gift card for a friend, and he spends that to get a promotional item, does he meet the requirement to receive the rare mats?

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