Mayor Claims

As a mayor, can you claim an available settlement in a county? Or are some settlements reserved for the count that claims that county??

9/17/2019 12:43:00 AM #1

If it's the last settlement of town size or larger in the county, you cannot claim it as that's where the count will rule from. Other than that, there are no restrictions.

Expecting to set up as a mayor in one of the three "two town" counties in Bridgespider (Angelica server, Kingdom of Tyria). I'm hoping to end up with a city by the end of exposition for lawmaking ability, assuming I can keep the city sustainable. You will know it's me by the city name Raven's Roost

Friend code: 23F484.

9/17/2019 3:28:54 AM #2

If the count has already claimed, then there are no SBS restrictions on claiming any of the settlements remaining.

9/17/2019 6:22:34 AM #3

But before you make a claim in a county, go to that counties discord and introduce yourself to them and let them know you'd like to join their county. It's considered common courtesy at this point.

Mayor of Funny Farms Inc.

9/17/2019 8:04:41 AM #4

What Joreel said. The attitude towards 'randoms' (aka, people who claim a domain without announcing their intent in advance) and 'snipers' (randoms who claim a domain other people promised to their friends) has been rather toxic. Even if the settlement you want to take doesn't have a count or duke yet, nor any nearby settlement being claimed, I'd still recommend going to the kingdom-discord and discussing your intentions.

9/17/2019 8:24:20 AM #5

Posted By Joreel at 08:22 AM - Tue Sep 17 2019

But before you make a claim in a county, go to that counties discord and introduce yourself to them and let them know you'd like to join their county. It's considered common courtesy at this point.

What he said. "Rogue" mayors (or counts for that matter) are often looked upon as foreign invaders, due to the fact that people have been preparing for sometimes 2y and now that it comes down to it, someone with a bigger wallet snatches away their county or settlement. Usually these people are involved with a community that has relations to the county or duchy and even kingdom and that doesn't do you any favours when entering a county or settlement "just because you liked the place".

Mayor Glen D'Aren (pronounciation: Dáran)

9/17/2019 5:40:34 PM #6

Gotta love all the dislikes because some of us recommended talking to the Duke or Count before settling in their Counties.

Mayor of Funny Farms Inc.

9/17/2019 5:43:50 PM #7

lol, pick where you want, by the time launch happens you will have met them. if they are going to be salty then do your own thing. But if you place in an area known to be run by douchebigalos then you're on your own lol

9/17/2019 8:07:27 PM #8

Is there somewhere to find the discord for the specific counties, duchies, or kingdom? I'll admit my mayor and i haven't been nearly as active in the community as we should be and getting in touch with the count sounds like a good idea.

I found the stickied post over in the tavern but there are no posts from our intended kingdom, duchy, or counties

9/18/2019 1:28:34 AM #9

Posted By Tweal at 4:07 PM - Tue Sep 17 2019

Is there somewhere to find the discord for the specific counties, duchies, or kingdom? I'll admit my mayor and i haven't been nearly as active in the community as we should be and getting in touch with the count sounds like a good idea.

Two recommendations.

1) You can go to the official Chronicles of Elyria Discord and look at the Domain & Settlement Selection and Recruitment channels for the server(s) you are on or plan on possibly joining:

2) The Current Governments page on this Chronicles of Elyria wiki has Discord links and forum page links for various Kingdoms if you click through to them that should be reasonably up to date:

From the server and Kingdom chats, you should be able to find people to point you to the county or counties you are interested in looking at and it's a good idea to also talk to the larger Kingdom communities. You also may find their information in the Recruitment channels on the official Discord.

Bear in mind that Counts may already have mayors lined up for settlements and even Dukes may have plans for empty counties and dropping in on what looks like an open place may wind up displacing a long-term member or disrupting their plans. There is nothing mechanically stopping you from doing that in the game but it can start any relationships with your King, Duke, Count, and other neighbors off with a negative impression. A lot of Counts absolutely do want more Mayors in their County but the friendly thing to do is to talk to them first.

9/18/2019 1:34:21 AM #10

Any mayor is welcome in my county, however I'd like it if you'd introduce yourself so we can make plans to cooperate instead of each doing our own things.

Count LizenÇace VeLeîjres of Mydra's Crossing, VII of the order of the IX.

Order of IX