Duchy time-lapse

I plan on creating a time-lapse for the Duchy pick order and will hopefully be able to create something similar for counties. Unfortunately I did not think to do this until today and did not keep track of the early picks. If anyone has the duchy pick order up until now I would greatly appreciate them messaging or posting on this forum so that I can make a simple animation to share with the community.

Thank you.

9/7/2019 2:21:08 AM #1

I think I can give you the order for tyrian duchies at least, though I may have 2 and 3 backwards. Hope it helps regardless. In forward order:





Lanternshore (currently italicized, subject to name change)

Expecting to set up as a mayor in one of the three "two town" counties in Bridgespider (Angelica server, Kingdom of Tyria). I'm hoping to end up with a city by the end of exposition for lawmaking ability, assuming I can keep the city sustainable. You will know it's me by the city name Raven's Roost

Friend code: 23F484.

9/7/2019 2:29:39 AM #2

The first eleven - not including Monarchs - on West were:

  • 1 Baxteria / Blackheart - - - Baxterius

  • 2 Aîlamos / Riftwood - - - Pteroguin

  • 3 Fioralba / Ashland - - - Silvia

  • 4 Thorne / Tyria - - - Heironymus

  • 5 Aquitania / Tyria - - - Ortherion

  • 6 Duskholm / Blackheart - - - Sellayne

  • 7 Dawnmire / Aranor - - - Huldric

  • 8 Drakeolm / Blackheart - - - Tenslea

  • 9 Sanctaphrandri / Ashland - - - Polite

  • 10 Kathandriel / Ashland - - - Queen Kaloki

  • 11 Valycia / Ashland - - - Artorius (duchy now named Anümvaldór) ;)

It's a Great idea - hope that helps!


9/7/2019 2:30:54 AM #3

Posted By Sir Zyr at 9:21 PM - Fri Sep 06 2019

I think I can give you the order for tyrian duchies at least, though I may have 2 and 3 backwards. Hope it helps regardless. In forward order:





Lanternshore (currently italicized, subject to name change)

Thank you very much! All help is appreciated!

9/7/2019 2:32:03 AM #4

Posted By Xarkfleur at 9:29 PM - Fri Sep 06 2019

The first eleven on West were:

  • 1 Baxteria / Blackheart - - - Baxterius

  • 2 Aîlamos / Riftwood - - - Pteroguin

  • 3 Fioralba / Ashland - - - Silvia

4 Thorne / Tyria - - - Heironymus

5 Aquitania / Tyria - - - Ortherion

6 Duskholm / Blackheart - - - Sellayne

7 Dawnmire / Aranor - - - Huldric

8 Drakeolm / Blackheart - - - Tenslea

9 Sanctaphrandri / Ashland - - - Polite

10 Kathandriel / Ashland - - - Queen Kaloki

11 Valycia / Ashland - - - Artorius

Thank you so much! The Duke names is also a great help, I can add them to the time-lapse so people can put names with locations!

9/9/2019 4:43:01 AM #5


9/15/2019 5:21:49 PM #6

As a note, I picked before Kathandriel by 4 whole minutes!

Also, our duchy was supposed to be, and is now, Ardolenor.

NA-W "Angelica"