poison? I guess I am using this new sports drink called body armor. It does suck. but you get dried out over night so you have to drink the electrolites and stuff. It does taste like some kind of poison.
Artificial fruit flavored salt water.
I am the reaper of roses, trimming all the untamed plants in my glorious Crimson garden
poison? I guess I am using this new sports drink called body armor. It does suck. but you get dried out over night so you have to drink the electrolites and stuff. It does taste like some kind of poison.
Artificial fruit flavored salt water.
Posted By DoctorWhiteRose at
Tea or coffee? Wine or whiskey? Whatever it may be how do you jazzy gits start your morning? I personally start mine with a headache and somtimes dressed as a nun.
I make it a point to drink a full glass of water as soon as I get up in the mornings.
After that I drink whatever - usually coffee with breakfast and then juice or soda later during the day.
I also try to drink a full glass of water in the evening, after dinner.
Through the travail of ages, midst the pomp and toil of war have I fought and strove and perished countless times before So as through a glass, darkly, the age old strife I see - for I've fought in many guises, many names, but always me.
Posted By Klaus_Ikra at 3:45 PM - Wed Sep 11 2019
Green tea master race
I agree, green tea, clipper, in a GoT tankard
Definitely water. Wakes up my stomach and is refreshing.
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Pepsi and sometimes coffee if I have time and patience to make it.
Kingdom: Blackheart | Duchy: Drakeolm | County: Hammerbull Dominion | Family: Stormrage | Role: Shaman
A shower, in an attempt to wake up... I sometimes forget to drink before heading off to work, so no real thing there. At work I tend to start with black coffee, lol.
Cup of tea and precisely 6 x 'Rich Tea' biccies - dunked of course! (Not that I am a creature of habit...*)
At weekends, I do instead have 2 x boiled eggs, (*precisely 5 minutes, 20 seconds of course and then cooled immediately so as not to overcook, so they're still runny. Let's get this right!), with two slices of bread and butter cut into 'soldiers' for dipping in. With the cup of tea.
I'm ashamed to admit that my poison are sugar free energy drinks and I often start my morning with one. Get up, pop one in the freezer, take a quick shower and then have breakfast with an ice cold energy drink while lurking on discord and forums. I'm actually trying to move away from them again with tea even tho hot drinks aren't my thing ^_^
Posted By SalemMarie at 5:51 PM - Fri Sep 13 2019
Coffee. 3 spoonfuls of sugar 3 spoonfuls of creamer.
I didn't realize my alt account gained sentience and started posting. This is quite literally me.