Looking for a home location

Hi, my old county i was going to settle in is a joke on leadership and kicked me because I gave to others but when wanted 1 thing that I shouldn't have been an issue, joke of a county leadership honestly so its no major loss. I'm looking for a spot for my town.

To give some info on the town. We plan to be a trade hub on the coast, or take a town thats close enough to the coast that with some expansion we would have coastal ports. While a good starting town is great and all, if it has enough to support 2x mayor titles the better. Location like most is key along with a good group of people to play with that wont dictate people. That was an issue with my last county, " You will give us but we wont give" mentality they claim not to have but sure did show.

I know DSS is coming up and this is short timing, but I'd hate to place my town as a rando and screws everyone up.

Thank you in advance.

Through banking, we can achieve peace, Through investments, however, we can achieve growth!

8/31/2019 7:23:21 AM #1

I hope you find what you're looking for.

8/31/2019 7:29:05 AM #2

awkward cough by the way in addition to what the person above me said, thats a Angelica server kingdom, not Luna

Mayor of Gartalia, A short distance south of the Holy Capital of Victrovia, Melonia - Friend Code: 464345

9/1/2019 3:15:24 AM #3

Best of luck to you.