Compendium of Known places.....and where they might be on the map

Elyria is a vibrant world and some of its lore have been presented to us in several dev journals and some of the tribe's description.

So this compendium is a try at gathering them all in one place AND to use that census to narrow their position on the maps and ask questions about them.

Known places

Titan's steppe as mentioned here, here, and here

  • The County of Titan's steppe, probably in K2
  • The town of New Heaven, in Titan's step county
  • The village of Silver Run, in Titan's step county
  • Silver Run Mine, probably in or near the village of Silver Run

From The Kypiq tribe description

  • The North's great forest of giant mushrooms, in K3 in one of the Kypiq duchies, probably the most northern one
  • The Kinothian, in the North's great forest of giant mushrooms
  • The Arkyn, in K3 in one of the Kypiq duchies, probably the closest to Neran duchies

From the Neran tribe description

  • The Virtorian Military Academy, probably in one of the grassland duchies in K5

From The origin of the Sedecim

  • The great port city of Wavemeet Bay, one coastal Neran Duchy
  • Crystal Palace, in the bay of Wavemeet Bay

From The searing plague

  • The region of Menas, probably in a Neran duchy in K3
  • The settlement of Quone, location seems incoherent with potential Menas location, but as the whole population died of the plague, the settlement might have disappeared.
  • The settlement of Olne, location seems incoherent with potential Menas location, but as the whole population was murdered, the settlement might have disappeared.
  • The port settlement of Tunnack, difficult to decide where it is, but as the whole population died of the plague, the settlement might have disappeared.
  • The Gherard islands, difficult to decide where it is
  • The settlement of Gherard, on Gherard islands, but as the whole population was wiped out by Count Sevvo, the settlement might have disappeared.
  • The deep mountain Hrothi settlement of Pàdva, either K1 or K2 in a Hrothi Duchy
  • Farwoods Keep, hard to tell where it might be, as the lord burnt it it has probably disappeared

From The stowaway a tale of elyria

  • The tiny fishing village of Tidewater Downs, hard to locate, since the fishermenn are talking corçais it can probably be on the coast of a To'resk duchy

From Queens gaze is upon us

  • The Evenmere, a river, maybe in the marsh biome
  • The village of Evenmere, on the shore of the Evenmere, the village no longer stand.

From Mark the festival of passage with the faedin faiths

  • Siegert’s Crossing, a Brudvir settlement probably in K1

From A tale of queens gaze ilnajeren and the lantern man

  • Derriben, a Neran village
  • Currach, a Neran settlement, wiped out by the lantern man
  • Lanery, a settlement, hard to know if it is a Dras settlement or a Neran one east of Derriben

From the cardinal miracle of the second age

  • The Baien, a mountain valley, probably in K1
  • The Apovital Point, at least 3 capes along the eastern shore of the continent

From Love fortunately

  • The port city of Ajort Shajoshles, a To'resk city on river's delta
  • The town of Ballyshire, probably a Neran town

From A tale of longest night diary of a vault raider

  • North Harbevale, hard to tell if it is a settlement or an area
  • Stormhead, a port
  • Wus'Shuyeswis, a Waerd port

Places that wont appear on the map or with no name, but are there

  • The Immortal Vault, probably somewhere in the Semi-Arid desert
  • The Frozen Kraken cavern
  • The Unseen University, location unknown, mentioned here

The 13 legendary taverns

  • The Last Oasis tavern, in a settlement in the Semi-Arid desert
  • The Free Mann tavern, in a Settlement in the grassland

So, that's quite a lot of places, if i have forgotten any do not hesitate to tell me i'll update, same if you have more information about the probable location of a place.

Now we can also share a few questions:

  • will those places actually exist in the world ?
  • will they be on the map for DSS ?
  • if they are on the map can they be selected ?
  • if they are not on the map will they be added later ?
  • some of those places have been described by how they are located regarding eachother or how to travel forom one to an other, but potentially, that would require biome locations that do not match those of our maps, in that case what happens ?

If you have any question to add do not hesitate and if by any luck someone from SBS happens to lurk around here and wish to spare a few moments to answer any question, correct mistakes or drop any tidbit of extra lore, be my guest.

5/27/2019 3:56:34 PM #1

Wonderful job, Ill go reread all the lore now :D

Fuck you Caspian the<em>city</em>of_khersoness

5/27/2019 9:33:48 PM #2

If known locations outside of current lore counts - the legendary taverns can probably be added. The Last Oasis tavern in the Semi-Arid desert and the Free Mann tavern in the Grasslands.

Happiness is reality minus expectation

5/27/2019 10:06:40 PM #3

You are right Gaoman, i thought about it, but we do not have the name of the settlement they will be in so there is no chance to find them on the map but i'll add a special section for them.

thank you.

5/28/2019 3:11:09 AM #4

It was pointed out to me that The Lost Vault is not necessarily in the semi-arid desert, because the party traveled for a significant amount of time after staying at The Last Oasis tavern. Still, the tavern and its biome are the best reference we have for where the vault is actually located.

5/28/2019 5:35:40 AM #5

The taverns might show on the map going by Caspian having talked about possible sprinkling the remaining 11 on to be sold first come, first serve style.

5/28/2019 6:02:08 AM #6

Silverrun should be written as Silver Run. Titan's step should be written as Titan's Steppe. Titan's Steppe is about 8km x 12km and is a region in the Lower Montane Forest of Kingdom 2. It is probably the largest county there. New Haven and Silver Run are in the cool temperate latitude range, with New Haven in the lower Montane Forest and Silver Run in the Steppe proper, mentioned here, here, and here

Unseen University - mentioned here and here

Frozen Kraken cavern - mentioned here

Silver Run Mine - Probably in or near the town of Silver Run, mentioned here

Crystal Palace - Wavemeet Bay

5/28/2019 6:30:34 AM #7

Thank you Protey, doing the adjustments right now.

the link to the frozen kraken cavern seems to end on a 404 error page

5/28/2019 7:01:25 AM #8

Really glad someone finally did this. I've been surprised, with how much people are spending but how little they seem to care about the game itself.

Your list is even bigger than mine! Very nice.

I compiled mine based on biome. Might also be a good idea before DSS and I'm certain it'll get peoples heads actually into the game.

5/28/2019 7:24:35 AM #9

By biome is a good idea, if we can narrow down the list of the places we have no idea where they might be and somewhat ascertain the location of others, we could work with some of the community to add them on the continent map we share all around

5/28/2019 8:11:59 AM #10

That sounds like a good time mate. Next time you're up for a chat in Discord hit me up, would be fun.

I might bump a bit later with my list (if it actually has any additional information).

5/28/2019 9:01:11 AM #11

The link works for me, maybe your country blocks it? Anyway, here is what was said:

Will there be any form of supermonster? Something like a kraken, for example?

A kraken is a very good example of a supermonster that we would have. Some of our very first concept art shows a kraken that is locked inside a frozen cavern that was once... Actually, how much do I want to get into the lore there? Yes... There are kraken in the world. And other large creatures. It was one of our early concepts. It’s Thandrus, actually, ziplining down into the cavern. You can see the kraken actually flash-frozen.

There's also a pic of this that was being referred to here. It has the caption "It takes a brave soul to dive into the unknown, and braver still to travel into the cavern that reportedly houses the monster known as the Kraken. However, it takes a foolish soul to go after the one responsible for sealing the titanic horror away."

5/28/2019 10:29:03 AM #12

Don't forget the Hrothi Great Library/s from their writeup!

5/28/2019 10:42:25 AM #13

m8 u can't not mention the hrofi libraries

5/28/2019 3:08:30 PM #14

This is really great, thanks for taking the time to compile it!