Picking towns

Exactly how do you go about picking a town. I have been reading all the posts, and it still does not explain this.

5/3/2019 9:38:47 PM #1

That's because no explanation has been provided yet. They are still working on the web interface.

FYI. They set a deadline for Monday for themselves.

5/3/2019 9:45:16 PM #2

As Hieronymus said, at the moment only Kings can pick their kingdoms. Next week we should have maps available with more details and Dukes will pick their duchies, then Counts and finally Mayors/Barons.

The whole Domain & Settlement Selection event should spread out over the month of may.

5/7/2019 11:20:23 AM #3

Also unless you are a Duke or Count, town picks will now commence 27/05/2019 as everything got pushed back 1 week.

[EU] The Town of Farwatch Selene (Hrothi) - Demalion/Dae Erath/Ash County - Masonry, Scouting/Cartography Animal Husbandry, Agriculture Smithing, Tailoring. Light RP, Casual & PvP Welcome.

5/12/2019 3:05:52 PM #4

and if we don't know what town choose the 27/05 ? did we are fucked ? xD

5/12/2019 3:30:27 PM #5

Posted By Isaya at 5:05 PM - Sun May 12 2019

and if we don't know what town choose the 27/05 ? did we are fucked ? xD

Posted By Vye

You're probably wondering what kinds of resources will be listed. These are the commodities that settlements are founded on:

  • Freshwater
  • Coastal Access
  • Fish
  • Game
  • Farmland
  • Wood
  • Stone
  • Clay
  • Sand
  • Mineral Deposits
  • Trade Routes
  • High Ground

Different biomes and different cultures may put those basic commodities to use in different ways, causing various industries to emerge. The focus of each settlement might therefore be on one of the following:

  • Fishing - Most common where the fishing is good
  • Hunting - Most common where wild game is bountiful
  • Agriculture - Most commonly found where there's good soil and enough water and sunlight
  • Textiles - Most common where there's plenty of farmable land and fresh water
  • Paper - Most common near sources of wood and farmable land with fresh water access
  • Pottery - Most common where there's good clay for brickmaking and pottery
  • Logging - Most common near good sources of wood
  • Stone Quarry - Most commonly found near a stone quarry
  • Mining - Most commonly found near mineral extraction points and a ready source of lumber
  • Trade - Most commonly found along trade routes
  • Port - Most commonly located where access to coastal waters is found
  • Education - Most commonly found on more remote high ground, but near to major roads
  • Bureaucracy - Most commonly found along borders, particularly along major routes
  • Defense - Most commonly found along borders, perched on high ground

You can base your choice on a biome or tribe you like, then on an industry you'd like to focus on ;)

Barony of Kern’s gate

5/13/2019 1:47:46 AM #6

Posted By Isaya at 08:05 AM - Sun May 12 2019

and if we don't know what town choose the 27/05 ? did we are fucked ? xD

Unless you're using an alias account, it doesn't matter to you. If you are using an alias account and have another with at least a mayoral title, you arguably fucked yourself when you paid money for a package.


Seriously, I am confident that there will be further opportunities to choose domains and settlements if you miss the first round. It is to SBS's benefit to get as many titled positions (i.e., actual domains and settlements) into players' possession as possible, as opposed to having NPCs run them.

5/19/2019 6:27:13 AM #7

Caspian did say that after the initial picks there would be a new round where you can get a second chance at towns and titles in the last Q&A if I understood correctly. This will be so that those that missed out the first time will have a chance, but the longer you wait the less that will be available, but it'll also cost less so it's up to you to decide what to do.

Mayor of Funny Farms Inc.