Transfering your Soul?

Wondering just how the process of moving soul at character permadeath (or with Story Points) works? Will you be able to see the stat sliders softcap/average, racial traits, talents, etc before being 'soulbound' to that npc/child? Or is all that random after you pick and are soulbound?

Basically can you 'shop around' for your next life?

2/5/2019 1:24:07 PM #1

This is simply the character creation process again. You can as before go one of three routes with the soul, search for a family that matches your requirements, choose a Ward of the state that has more customisation, or pick a Non-traditional Character (perhaps your heir or a child of a friend) to move your soul into.

There is more about character creation here: Design Journal 5 Families & Family Selection [Note: The images are not current and there is some newer mechanics, such as story points, that are not mentioned but it gives you a general idea about making your next character.]

And a video about a later version here that shows some of the parts like picking a birth date: Youtube

Exactly what information is given to what extent is not completely confirmed yet. But we do know you certainly will not see anything about talents, these are now linked to your character and you will not know if you have the chance to unlock it or not until it happens...or you may never know you had the chance.

Author of the Elyria Echo the first, and least up-to-date, CoE fan site.

2/5/2019 6:49:32 PM #2

Yeah they talk about attributes being shown and you can reroll them (no more than once) but I cant tell if they mean stats like Strength, Intelligence, etc or if they mean cosmetic appearance. I hope they do another video showing in-depth creation of first character and the soul swap after they die as soon as they nail down how it works...

2/5/2019 9:37:01 PM #3

Posted By Emperor Spriggan at 12:49 PM - Tue Feb 05 2019

Yeah they talk about attributes being shown and you can reroll them (no more than once) but I cant tell if they mean stats like Strength, Intelligence, etc or if they mean cosmetic appearance. I hope they do another video showing in-depth creation of first character and the soul swap after they die as soon as they nail down how it works...

AFAIK it’s both. You basically can reroll your entire character once pulling from the same genetics just a different random pull. So basically the numbers and appearance can change between the two but is still based on the two parents base line stats.

2/7/2019 8:37:35 AM #4

I just hope there is a way to view NPC attributes/genetics before binding to them that way if you have, say, 10 children you can pick which one suits your needs without having to reroll the dice on them.

2/7/2019 8:43:32 PM #5

One important thing to remember, your heir is the only one who inherits your titles, properties, money, and inventory. All the other options your starting as a brand new character, with whatever available options they have. The only difference is your previous 'life' experience that will enhance your stats and skills that you gain.

Count Ruthgar Rugharin, County of Bragen Veld, Duchy - Conclave of Aritaur, Kingdom of Vornair.