COMMUNITY - FORUMS - GENERAL DISCUSSION Chronicles of Elyria: Wherefore Art Thou?

I really still believe in this project. But I won't be able to continue my support and trust if I don't see smth else except walls of text, excuses, cash shop promotions and so on. This project has started about 4 years ago. It's really high time to start showing smth REAL.

As you can see from the article on the below I am not alone who thinks the same way.

P.S. Caspian's answer to most concerns which were discussed in this thread can be found here:

1/17/2019 3:56:31 PM #31

Posted By Sarmat at

>This project has started about 4 years ago. It's really high time to start showing smth REAL.

4 Years are nothing for a game like CoE. Or for any Game. I personally have another view on this matter as most people in the Community: What do I care about unfinished Features which will change in the Development? Do I really want that they waste my money by taking pictures and videos from something which is far from being finished? No, they just should work on this Game and present me something when it's in a good state. That can take a very long time for games (like it does for every big application). In the meantime, Information in text form is enough to get a deeper look into the game. Probably even more than the most other things they could do.

Also, Regardless of any Trust, people who want to destroy CoE are right around the corner, especially from the Site you linked. They don't care about the game or our community, they just want to use every information they can get from the devs and present them in such a way that CoE will be hurt from it. Sbs need to be carefully with what they release, otherwise it will hurt us much more then it will bring us joy ;(

1/17/2019 4:21:07 PM #32

Take everything from that website with a grain of salt, because they've been so detached from actual MMO gamers for so long they're basically defunct as a news source on MMOs.

That being said, Caspian's storm had better be a fucking hurricane and it better come quick, otherwise we're going to start seeing a lot of posts like this- on Reddit, on, on MOP, and even here. These next few months are make and break time for public opinion, and if public opinion breaks before the game launches, it doesn't matter how polished the game is, people already decided it was a bad game.

1/17/2019 4:38:16 PM #33

Posted By Roarer at 3:32 PM - Thu Jan 17 2019

Posted By Watru at 7:59 PM - Thu Jan 17 2019 BTW, this is the first time I have ever been called a troll. Luckily, it is from Watru ....

Yes you know i call it as i see it, and you know it is true. You guys are lucky you have someone here how actualy takes the uncofterbol discussion and the community harassment that comes with it. Or this bubble would smell really stale by now.

Posted By mickdude2 at 5:21 PM - Thu Jan 17 2019

That being said, Caspian's storm had better be a fucking hurricane and it better come quick, otherwise we're going to start seeing a lot of posts like this- on Reddit, on, on MOP, and even here. These next few months are make and break time for public opinion, and if public opinion breaks before the game launches, it doesn't matter how polished the game is, people already decided it was a bad game.

Cant believe i am saying this to you as i blocked you on Reddit but WELL SAID! And exactly my point damage control please! (If you are that very rude mod on CoE subreddit.)

1/17/2019 5:06:32 PM #34

Posted By Watru at 11:38 AM - Thu Jan 17 2019



Posted By Watru at 11:38 AM - Thu Jan 17 2019

Posted By mickdude2 at 5:21 PM - Thu Jan 17 2019

That being said, Caspian's storm had better be a fucking hurricane and it better come quick, otherwise we're going to start seeing a lot of posts like this- on Reddit, on, on MOP, and even here. These next few months are make and break time for public opinion, and if public opinion breaks before the game launches, it doesn't matter how polished the game is, people already decided it was a bad game.

Cant believe i am saying this to you as i blocked you on Reddit but WELL SAID! (If you are that very rude mod on CoE subreddit.)

Means I'm doing my job right.

1/17/2019 5:20:31 PM #35

Posted By mickdude2 at 5:21 PM - Thu Jan 17 2019

That being said, Caspian's storm had better be a fucking hurricane and it better come quick, otherwise we're going to start seeing a lot of posts like this- on Reddit, on, on MOP, and even here. These next few months are make and break time for public opinion, and if public opinion breaks before the game launches, it doesn't matter how polished the game is, people already decided it was a bad game.

That really sums up a lot and I could not agree more.

1/17/2019 5:39:54 PM #36

Why should we get info like "the massive update should come next Thursday" from a member of the community and not directly from an official post of Sbs?

Is that possibile that on the "official forum" we always have to rely on what is discussed on Discord?

This kind of lack of communication doesn't work very much. I love CoE and as you all want to see it complete one day, but logging in everyday or two and see absolutely nothing on January 17th, when we were supposed to get a massive update "early January" (and of course, I only know that because someone got Caspian on Discord...), well.

There are other crowd-funded project out there that started pretty much at the same time as CoE did - and I absolutely still think that none of them has the potential or the foresight that this game might have and that the studio behind it definitely HAVE - but they pretty much had at least a couple of updates from the new year, here not even a tiny one. Sbs I respect you and admire you very much, but having a look around I feel that this fantastic community that does nothing but believe in you with extreme patience and transport deserves, after four years, definitely something more.

EDIT: A reply in this post from someone of you from Sbs would very much appreciated.

1/17/2019 6:02:04 PM #37

Posted By Arebs at 5:56 PM - Thu Jan 17 2019

4 Years are nothing for a game like CoE. Or for any Game.

If 4 years and strong community support is not enough to present AT LEAST SMTH working than there is really no point to continue because when the game releases we all will be too old to enjoy it. Good news is that we still could pass it on to our grandchildren :)

Jokes aside, i think you've got the wrong idea about developers.

I really hope they prove it this year.

1/17/2019 6:57:33 PM #38

Well @Caspian did address the points raised in this thread. And in discord see reply here: "from: Caspian#3850 during: 2019-01-17 mentions: Watru#0186 "

I dont fully agree with him but they did address it so i at least have to give them credit for that.

Now if they did change some stuff and practices as well to maybe accommodate some of the concerns and frustrations here i think that be the solution.

We just have to wait and see Soon™

1/17/2019 7:03:01 PM #39

Sarmat you made some good points that I agree with and some points I do not agree with. I appreciate you trying to create dialog. HOWEVER for the love of god if you put SMTH for an abbreviation of "something" one more time I will hunt down everyone of your posts on this thread and others and dislike them all.

1/17/2019 7:14:50 PM #40

I think communications from studios is becoming a common problem. Maybe there arent great community managers out there anymore? Not sure but for sure a disconnect, anyone been playing Legends Of Aria? I have, while waiting for CoE and the only communication coming from that studio if at all is through twitter , wtf is that all about? Atleast here in CoE the devs actually participate in providing information, even if it is of little value currently. just my $.02. Oh and on that note, does anyone else find it funny that when someone is offering their opinion its referred to as my $.02 cents, and when seeking advice its a $.01 penny for your thoughts?

1/17/2019 7:21:05 PM #41

Makes sense Nkrumah, people in general value their own opinion much higher than the advice of others :)

1/17/2019 7:22:47 PM #42

Posted By Arfen at 09:39 AM - Thu Jan 17 2019

Why should we get info like "the massive update should come next Thursday" from a member of the community and not directly from an official post of Sbs?

Is that possibile that on the "official forum" we always have to rely on what is discussed on Discord?

This kind of lack of communication doesn't work very much. I love CoE and as you all want to see it complete one day, but logging in everyday or two and see absolutely nothing on January 17th, when we were supposed to get a massive update "early January" (and of course, I only know that because someone got Caspian on Discord...), well.

There are other crowd-funded project out there that started pretty much at the same time as CoE did - and I absolutely still think that none of them has the potential or the foresight that this game might have and that the studio behind it definitely HAVE - but they pretty much had at least a couple of updates from the new year, here not even a tiny one. Sbs I respect you and admire you very much, but having a look around I feel that this fantastic community that does nothing but believe in you with extreme patience and transport deserves, after four years, definitely something more.

EDIT: A reply in this post from someone of you from Sbs would very much appreciated.

This is actually incorrect.

Caspian did state on Discord that he was waiting on the current Sprint to end, which does next Monday, so he could gather more assets and such to show in an 0.5.0 update, and that hopefully he could get all of that together by the end of next week.

"Stupid questions make more sense than stupid mistakes."

1/17/2019 7:28:02 PM #43

On Discord devs might say "working on a blog, hoping to get it done sometime next week if things don't get to hectic".

On the forums the actual blog appears.

How is this an issue? Do you think Caspian should make a post on the forum "Hey, maybe there will be another blog post next week, not 100% but I'll try". That would just be silly imo.

If you want bleeding edge unreliable metainfo on when new info might come out, and such, then hang around in Discord. If you want to read info when it actually comes out, read the forums.

1/17/2019 8:15:40 PM #44

Authored as an end user and not as a developer.

As a person who has done quite a bit of both in my career, if I were a member of SBS I would say the following:

Thanks for being polite.

We acknowledge dates have been missed here, here, and here.

We have a plan moving forward to accomplish xyz by these dates. We feel these dates are realistic compared to our other dates because of reasons xyz.

The impact on timelines is the following (delays) (new timelines).

Information will be released on the following schedule.


End users are entitled to certain bits of information. The purchases are a contract and folks are rightfully upset, but they also may have unrealistic expectations.

The goal would be to correct what is possible to be corrected and let what cant be controlled alone.

Darkfall was an 8 year wait, for folks who were around then.

This games community actually reminds me alot of that group. Lots of hopes. Lots of politics. Lots of pregame. This means lots of frustration.

1/17/2019 8:22:23 PM #45

Posted By Dellamorte at 12:15 PM - Thu Jan 17 2019

Authored as an end user and not as a developer.

As a person who has done quite a bit of both in my career, if I were a member of SBS I would say the following:

Thanks for being polite.

We acknowledge dates have been missed here, here, and here.

We have a plan moving forward to accomplish xyz by these dates. We feel these dates are realistic compared to our other dates because of reasons xyz.

The impact on timelines is the following (delays) (new timelines).

Information will be released on the following schedule.


End users are entitled to certain bits of information. The purchases are a contract and folks are rightfully upset, but they also may have unrealistic expectations.

The goal would be to correct what is possible to be corrected and let what cant be controlled alone.

Giving dates is the last thing they should do. They haven't given public dates in the past for this very reason. People are reacting not to missed hard dates, but to reasonable guesses that met with normal life doing what normal life does. Imagine what they would do if there was a real date to miss?
