29 September

Special 2-hour Anniversary Q&A on DM21 Gaming

By Caspian

Hey All!

Soulbound Studios will once again be on DM21 Gaming's YouTube channel on Friday, September 30th. This special 2-hour anniversary event celebrates one year of Q&A's with Soulbound Studios on DM21 Gaming. For this special show, Caspian will be joined by Jason 'Death' Welter, and Miguel 'Souzou' Sierra, two of Soulbound Studios' other designers.

As usual, BicycleWalrus will be asking the most up-voted questions in our Reddit Q&A Thread and we'll be answering them. LIVE! Please follow these rules when posting questions on Reddit for the Q&A.


  1. Please limit questions to 1 question per post, so it can be easily up-voted/down-voted
  2. Please limit yourself to 3 posts for a maximum of three questions per community member
  3. Keep your question brief. That makes it easier to read, and quicker to answer
  4. Make sure to upvote the posts of others you're most interested in hearing the answers to

In addition, many of the most common questions about CoE can be answered by reading over our design journals and updates, so if you're new to CoE, it helps to read over those.

If you want to, you can Watch it Live by clicking on this YouTube link about 10 minutes before the broadcast time.

See you all at 4pm PDT / 7pm EDT / 12am BST on Friday, September 30th!