Multicounty claim bug

I have ran into the problem of being unable to claim a town in a double county since it is still reserved for the county owner. As by now the count has claimed his town i can only think of this as a leftover bug.

"This settlement is reserved for the county owner." and gray claim button is all there is waiting.

The villages and hamlets can be claimed it seems, they have green claim button waiting.

9/16/2019 12:36:56 PM #1

Same here. Two towns in our duchy, each the main town in a double county that was not selected by the count.

Edit: Deployed bug fix was successful (for me).

9/16/2019 2:06:54 PM #2

Try selecting now <3

9/16/2019 2:13:45 PM #3

Great, it works now!

Thank you for the fast fix.