
Lets say you have been a blacksmith for a few irl years and you have kept your bloodline strong right? If i remember correctly if you decide to become an orphan you will still have that high skill level from your past lives you just won't inherent anything (ex. houses, tools, or money) right?

Count Weylyn of Vit Kanin. Friend code B7D0EF

8/12/2019 5:07:15 PM #1

You lose all your skills, but you can earn them back far faster than if you were starting from scratch.

Looks can be deceiving.

8/12/2019 5:45:08 PM #2

Your skill ramps are linked to your soul. So if you get very good at blacksmithing, die, and then move that soul into someone unconnected to your family (an orphan say), you will be able to get back to your previous blacksmithing level much faster and push past it, regardless of the fact that you're not part of the family.

Death is just another path, one we all must take

Friend Code: C8DF9C