BBC Tonight Apr 16th .... D&SS - impact of resources, tribes, neighbors and religions

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4/16/2019 7:02:55 PM #1

Looking forward to learning BBC's thoughts on tribes and domain and settlement selection. It's going to be a great episode!

4/16/2019 7:18:16 PM #2

Looking forward to it!

4/16/2019 7:21:52 PM #3

As we approach D&SS make sure to also start checking out the kingdom website!

4/16/2019 10:07:51 PM #4

We have a website!? J/K I knew that already :p

Should be an interesting stream.

4/16/2019 10:44:08 PM #5


Count Potrais BlackHeart, leader of the Knights of the Blood Oak, Defender of the weak, Protector of the realm

4/16/2019 10:47:15 PM #6

Posted By Primus Dedumo at 3:21 PM - Tue Apr 16 2019

As we approach D&SS make sure to also start checking out the kingdom website!

would be nice if we had this linked on the twitch page