Ulfrgaard Saga: Druid faith and Genesis


The Great Dragon

In the early days, there was only a deep darkness in which everything flowed, scattered and without order. In this darkness, a creature lived that slowly awoke from its infinite sleep. The Great Dragon, Arkan, opened his one eye and looked around the treasures of the world. The dragon claimed everything he saw and gathered with his giant claws, so he could guard them. Soon Arkan could not reach more riches, so he stretched his body, opened its second eye and began to move around in the great nothing while he was carrying his treasure. In his greed, Arkan gathered everything it could put his claws on, and soon the treasure became so great that the dragon had to give up moving it.

Instead, Arkan left the treasure rest and set out to find new riches. Arkan saw that the deep darkness was infinite and contained many marvelous things. He feared that there should be others like him someone who would put its claws in the riches of darkness.

the guardians

From the abundance of his treasure and of his own blood, Arkan created a creature to guard the treasure: a strong, faithful and good man.

The dragon called him Hird and let him swear allegiance. But Hird couldn't see in the dark, so Arkan sacrificed a bit of his treasure and lit it up with his mighty fire breathe and med a torch to illuminate the treasure.

Arkan would not leave his treasure to just one guardian, so he created yet another creature to guard the treasure. But in the chaos of haste the new guardian remained nameless, and he also swore Arkan his allegiance.

humble and envious

Hird and the nameless guarded the treasure in the light of the eternal torch, but the nameless was not satisfied. He was humble and envious of Hird.

While Arkan was gone and Hird stood guard the nameless took the most beautiful things, and hid in the middle the treasure where the light could not penetrate and, Hird not guard.

When Arkan came back, he immediately discovered that the noblest riches were gone.

The rage

The rage of the dragon was terrible. He peeled the riches apart with his huge claws and mighty teeth drilled through the treasure in his quest for the thief, and the blood flowed where he lost his scales. Out of the wealthy blood, anger created random beings. Kypiq, Neran, Dras and the evil of the world lived where Arkan had stepped and mountains and rivers were formed as the Great Dragon searched for his treasure.

When Arkan's rage had settled, he saw that the riches were swarming with creatures, and even though the dragon spewed his fire, the creatures hid in crevices so small that Arkan could not reach them. Arkan took torch and searched everywhere for the thief, that's why the sun moves, but Arkan spirit is always present, so at night, the light of the torch reappears in the eye of his spirit and his scales.

The curse and gifts

Arkan first cursed Hird for all his misfortune and sentenced him to live among the other creatures forever, untill the thief was found. But Arkan saw that Hird was small and the earth colossal and the other beings hostile.

The Great Dragon created Hird a wife, Trake, and told them to be fruitful and give birth to a family of faith toward him.

Arkan would reward every brave and faithful of Hird's family with an honor place among its new riches in Harthanheim, unchallenged by the thief and all the creatures. Here they could live in safety, among the most beautiful and noble riches and guard them til the end of time.

The Great Dragon gave Hird a shield “suoja” and the spear “tulppa”, to help him in the fight against the thiev and creatures of evil.