To'resk Tale of Colour

How To'ran sang colour back into the land (an ancient To'reski legend)

Is is said that in the dim misty past To'ran the Qin of the Wetlands sang the song of creation

The environment was disturbed & broken All was sad & grey, the colour & joy of life had gone The cause - his parents tumultuous love The responsibility - his & his alone

He saw life was grim Hardest on his people It burdened his heart to see them Eking out a life of miserable subsistence Living in a colourless world Eating tasteless food

He sang the “Song of Colours” He sang to the flowers - which brightened & became abundant He sang to the birds - their feathers burst forth in vivid colours of the rainbow He sang to the beasts of the land & waters - all grew new coats of many varied colours He sang to the rocks & hence jewels & precious metals were created

He turned to his people & sang to them Bringing joy back to their hearts

He gave them - knowledge & understanding He gave them - lungs to breathe better He gave them - skin to protect them better He gave them teeth - to shine with joy & happiness

Thus the First Task of To'ran was achieved

12/24/2018 5:02:49 AM #1

Love it mate.

12/24/2018 5:51:11 AM #2

Well done!