messaging bug

replies to received messages and new sent messages to players are not showing they are sent.

I am not sure how to recreate it as it does not happen every time but it is happening on many sent messages.

Friend Code: 6DEF22

3/27/2018 9:02:27 PM #1

if u did something it worked everything seems to be fixed

Friend Code: 6DEF22

3/27/2018 9:07:12 PM #2

When you press refresh everything appears. Its not in one instant as that page isn't refreshed the moment you send a message or do something. I'm glad its fixed

3/27/2018 9:17:46 PM #3

im not an idout i know how to refresh.i also logged off many thimes in the past days the messages im talking about some were very old. i even did new 1s after that did work.i had full conversations but random messages wouldnt be sent or aparently recieved. my inbox all of a sudden was fixed aparently based on time stamps i havent been revieving several either.

Friend Code: 6DEF22

3/27/2018 9:33:35 PM #4

No one was saying you're an idiot, I was trying to help provide an answer to your "Bug"

3/27/2018 9:40:01 PM #5

Forgive me for it seems my poor attempt at humor proved futile. I spelled it idout not idiot in jest.

Friend Code: 6DEF22