Requesting unban of Zeek Halykr


So, back in 2017 I was still oblivious that Terms Of Services existed. I decided to do what friends do and share an account with my bud Nick, and what resulted was him getting me banned cause he said he was 12.

The reason why I NEED Zeek Halykr (On Discord) unbanned from the CoE discord is because if his account (Now inactive because of the fact that I discovered that you cant have two people using a CoE account at once without issues) is banned then I cannot use MY account, which is actually legal.

I am, yes, of legal age (13) and have already established that my last account was in a sense being used by my friend who identified himself as me (Its complicated but essentially he didn't want to make an account cause he didn't have an email so I stpidly let him use mine) and said he was 12 (Which he is), which got my account banned.

THIS account, however, is left and I am of legal age. So essentially can you unban Zeek Halykr so my legit new discord account, Zarid, can use the CoE discord. I can confirm I'm of legal age to use the discord and forums.


3/14/2018 12:07:59 PM #1


3/14/2018 2:31:56 PM #2

3/14/2018 2:33:36 PM #3

For all account related issues about bans, please email to [email protected] so a ticket can be placed. Thank you.

Locking this thread now.