Surname Reservation won't submit has console errors

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

surname-reservation:198 Uncaught ReferenceError: x is not defined at setTimeRemaining (surname-reservation:198) at window.onload (surname-reservation:204) store.js?131653355680000000:1707

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'bind' of undefined at enableSubmit (store.js?131653355680000000:1707) at store.js?131653355680000000:1765 at Object.success (store.js?131653355680000000:1818) at j (store.js?131653355680000000:2) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (store.js?131653355680000000:2) at x (store.js?131653355680000000:4) at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (store.js?131653355680000000:4)

Appears that the reservation page is broken. The page not allow for names to be submitted. I have tried names with and without ' and - but same error. Page doesn't try to load on submit button.

3/13/2018 3:05:46 AM #1

We are aware of this issue and are investigating.

If the button is grey, you can try and click it anyways.

Regardless, we will have this fixed ASAP, either tonight or tomorrow and will update this thread when it is so.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Please note: This will NOT affect your picking order.

"Stupid questions make more sense than stupid mistakes."

3/13/2018 4:35:49 PM #2

This has been resolved as of last night at 9pm PT.

Thanks for your patience!

"Stupid questions make more sense than stupid mistakes."